lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

Giving directions

Learn the words, then do the activities

                                                             you are here

Post office- oficina de correos, Fire station- estación de bomberos, Police station- Comisaría
Home-Casa, School- colegio, Library- biblioteca, Hospital- hospital
Turn left                                                     

Turn right

 Go straight on

Prepositions of place

4 comentarios:

  1. Erika!, the blog have a friendly and nice design with a nice background. You have achieved an easy mode to practice listening with exercises, but in the lessons that we have studied there are some tools like "Hot Potatoes" or "TaskMagic" that could be more interactive than send the answer to correct manually…. Even so, you have covered all skills in the blog and I like a lot this post because children can learn easily with this activities. Congratulations!!

    1. Ups, I'm sorry this post is mine. The problem is that I wasn't logged and me name has't been added.

  2. Hello Erika,

    Congratulations, I really like your blog, the background is very original, the colours and the images that you have used are beautiful, and of course the activities that you have created are original, exciting and motivating for students.

    I think that his activity has been particularly very original and interesting, because one of the most complicated aspect of the English grammar are prepositions. I think with the activity that you have designed the students can practice in a fun way with prepositions, and also learn to give indications of place. In addition, they practice their language skills.

    Well done!

    Ester Aguayo

  3. Erika, you have created an original and interesting blog! I like all the activities as I consider them to be useful. Besides, the appearance is nice and you have used great pictures which motivate children.

    On the other hand, I have decided to write you here because this activity is my favourite one. When this activity, you teach children to explain other people where the places are which is useful for them in their daily life.

    Congratulations, I have enjoyed visiting your blog

    Patricia Urquijo
